Hi... these are some of my malay and english novel collections.. Nak kata rajin tu tak jugak tapi mmg hobi membaca novel.. :)
Masa studies dulu takde collection malay novel langsung.. just baca je.. yg ada semua novel english.. my fren, Farah Kamal used to tell me.. kalau nak pass english subject kena baca novel english... so, dgn bersemangat sekali I borrowed few of her novels... bukan novel cikai2 90 m/s punya...tp yg 300/400 pages tu... haaaa... ambikkk!! hehehe i baca jgk w/pun sepatah apa pn tak paham... tp as i go along... mmg lama2 paham jgklah sikit2... and of course I have to thank her bcoz I passed my english with flying colors... :)
So, from then i started reading and collecting english novels... until now I have about 7 novels from my fav author, Judith McNaught :) tp few of them ada kat kg la plk...
Malay novels plk bkn tak buat koleksi tp belum tergerak hati lagi kott.. started collecting malay novels from 2003... itupn beli yg rasa2 best je lah.. but novel from Norhayati Berahim wajib beli... hehehe setakat nie novel NB ada dalam 8 buah.. yg lain2 ada Nea Azalea, Aisya Sofea, Damya Hanna, Fauziah Ashari... and few others..
p/s oklah... nk pi pasar tani japp.. chowww ;)